Our Mission

Novel physically informed machine learning algorithms for imaging with acoustic and electromagnetic waves, known as network-based data-driven reduced order models.

Advanced Algorithms for Powering the Future

Our products are novel physically informed machine learning algorithms for imaging with acoustic and electromagnetic waves, known as network-based data-driven reduced order models. They were originally developed by the PI and consultants for oil exploration and then advanced for radar and sonar imaging in defense applications.
Current Project

We are currently working on a project awarded by NASA that involves spectral gauging of large propellant tanks. This is a long standing problem for deep space exploration. Our technology enables us to significantly improve gauging accuracy and reliability, which can be particularly critical for crewed flights to the Moon and potentially to Mars.

Potential Industry Applications

Other potential applications of our product: Radar and sonar imaging in presence of multiple echoes for defence applications; Non-destructive testing in complex environments; medical imaging of strongly-inhomogeneous and lossy/dispersive tissues (blood vessels, langs, bones); mobile device based radar imaging, e.g., for unhackable internet of things.

Technical Concept Overview

Click the logo above to watch a technical concept overview from a recent talk by the PI featured at Excalibur Workshop on "Inverse Problems and Optimization."


The Brookline Advanced Algorithms Team